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Knox County Health Inspection Report-September

Writer's picture: Nathan SpringfieldNathan Springfield

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

Establishments with No Violations

Lincoln High School 1545

South Hart Street Vincennes Indiana 47591

Miscellaneous Inspections

Montana Mike's

1626 Willow Street, Vincennes

Health department followed up on complaints regarding social distancing measures and facial coverings. Upon inspection no social distancing guidelines were observed to be out of compliance and all staff had facial coverings. Covid-19 mitigation guidelines were reviewed with staff and no problems were found. Follow up inspection of facility showed continued sanitation measures and cleanliness of facility are being met to health department standards.

No violations are observed

Denny's #351

2728 North 6th Street, Vincennes

Received call from the district manager stating that a vehicle had driven thru the east side of their building at approximately 3:00pm on 9/23/2020. Severe damage is noted to the outside structure and landscaping of the building. Interior damage is observed as well and as follows: seating booths knocked off of their bolted foundations. glass windows were shattered/broken. wood trim molding is either missing, crack. or broken, drywall is completely broken thru, insulation is missing, and two booths appear to have damage on them. Vincennes Fire Department, Knox County EMS and Vincennes Police Department were available on the scene of the accident. A local construction company was called in to make temporary repairs to the building and to make cleanup efforts, which have been approved by the health department. Business can continue if the compromised area is taped off and not used.

Cantwell Service Center, LLC

1602 Washington Avenue, Vincennes

Establishment is ready to open

Establishments with Violations


2001 Hart Street, Vincennes

4 Non-Critical Violations:

  • Section 297: slushie machine and soda fountain nozzles are observed to have black build up. Ice chutes on both soda fountains are observed to have Pink slime build up inside the chutes themselves.

  • Section 416: multiple cabinets and drawers located around the beverage self service area is observed to have rodent droppings along with dead flying pests that have not been removed.

  • Section 295(c): cabinets, drawers, and countertops are observed to be soiled with multiple old sticky spills, dust and dirt.

  • Section 297: Ice machine metal guard is observed to have heavy black. grey and white slime accumulations. Black accumulations continue down the inside of the blue insulation inside the machine itself

Casey's General Store #2271

1902 Willow Street, Vincennes

3 Critical Violations:

  • Section 136: Observed 2 large fountain drinks, 1 can of Big Red soda and a half-eaten pastry on a prep table used to finish customers pizzas.

  • Section 345: Hand washing sink is observed to be soiled with dark brown accumulations in the corners of the basin and the surrounding edges

  • Section 334: Mop sink in back room has two utility hoses laying in the basin and thus not preventing back siphonage.

7 Non-Critical Violations:

  • Section 199: frozen product observed sitting out on a prep table at room temperature. Product temped between 30.8 degrees and 48.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Section 431: Walk in freezer located in the kitchen is observed to be in need of general cleaning. Floor is observed to be heavily soiled and littered with food debris. tape and boxes.

  • Section 297: Soda fountain nozzles and ice chute is observed to have heavy black accumulations inside.

  • Section 297: Mocha machine is observed to be soiled with stains and dark brown sticky substance on the underneath side near the nozzles

  • Section 295(c): All self-service machines are observed to be soiled with dust and dirt and are in need of general cleaning. This includes the front. tops. underneath, sides and back of all equipment.

  • Section 295(c): Fan guard covers located in the beverage cooler walk in and ceiling are observed to be covered in a thick layer of dust.

  • Section 433: observed mop being improperly stored in a mop bucket and not allow. to air dry

Iron Hog BBQ

1530 Washington Avenue, Vincennes

13 Critical Violations:

  • Section 177: Food product is observed to be sitting directly on the floor of the establishment.

  • Section 187: Sour cream left sitting out and on the floor of the kitchen is observed to be temping at 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Section 177: Black beans, beans and canned tomatoes are observed to have been left out overnight, uncover. and in their original cans with no date markings or code dates. These items were observed to have gnats and flies coming out of them.

  • Section 204: A pan of prebaked potatoes is observed to be sitting under a window air conditioning unit. The unit is leaking a liquid substance into the pan and collecting on to the potatoes. One of the potatoes has a thick white fuzzy growth accumulating on it.

  • Section 191: Baked potatoes were observed left in the oven over night.

  • Section 191: A large pan of baked beans was left on the oven overnight uncovered and is observed to have a large number of gnats flying in and out of it.

  • Section 191: A large pan of chili was left on the oven overnight uncovered and is observed. to have a large number of gnats flying in and out of it along with several dead flies found inside the chili.

  • Section 439: Fly strip is observed to be placed above a pot holding utensils used for cooking and food prep. Also observed was ready to eat foods placed directly below the fly strip.

  • Section 415: harborage conditions in the dry stock closet are present.

  • Section 439: cleaning chemicals are observed to be placed next to food items in the dry stock closet.

  • Section 204: Multiple dead flying pests are observed in seasoning containers. dry rub bin, cambros. utensil bins and bowls located in the dry stock closet

  • Section 204: Dry rub seasoning is observed to have been left outside, overnight and uncovered.

  • Section 204: Observed a silver tray with meat left outside, overnight and uncovered.

16 Non-Critical Violations:

  • Section 41.1(2): Windowsills of establishment are observed to have dead flying pests too numerous to count.

  • Section 431: A cardboard box sitting on the floor containing bottles of Diet Coke and Diet Rite soda for human consumption is observed to be littered with used and soiled foil, garbage. and numerous dead flying pests.

  • Section 425: A box of maintenance tools along with soiled maintenance gloves is observed on the floor and is mixed with single use items for customer use.

  • Section 178: The designated smoker/wood storage room is observed to also be used as a dry stock and food storage room. Establishment owner was previously told this was not allow and this room was only allotted for the use of the smoker and wood storage.

  • Section 416(a)(2): Fly strips inside the establishment are found to be heavily coated with dead flying insects and need to be removed and replaced.

  • Section 174: observed Tupperware bins with no identifying labels as to what their contents are.

  • Section 392: Multiple trash bins located outside with no lids or acceptable covers.

  • Section 392: Observed three large 5-gallon buckets full of grease being stored outside with no lids or acceptable covers.

  • Section 431: Trash, cigarettes. grease, and food are observed to be littered throughout the parking lot and is creating an attraction for pests.

  • Section 431: Large amounts of grease from the smoker is observed on the concrete/ground.

  • Section 295(c): All equipment inside the establishment is in ne. of a deep cleaning. This includes all door handles. doors, legs, wheels, racking, inside, tops and bottom of equipment.

  • Section 214: Cutting boards are observed to be soiled and have areas that are black in color.

  • Section 235: Tabletop mounted can opener blade has heavy rust and food debris.

  • Section 235: Catering items such as pans. warmers and crock pots are observed to be soil. with old chunks of food debris and dirt.

  • Section 347: Employee restroom does not have a hand drying system available for employee use.

  • Section 395: Trash bins located outside are observed to have a heavy accumulation of flies and maggots.

*Establishment has been closed by the Knox County Health Department until violations have been corrected and verified by the department..

Rally's #9249

2022 North 6th Street, Vincennes

5 Critical Violations:

  • Section 192: No date marking on potentially hazardous foods located in the walk-in cooler.

  • Section 192: Potentially hazardous foods observed in walk in cooler held past its expiration date and is as follows: Tomatoes, Chili, Strawberry Shake Mix and White Cheese.

  • Section 415: Flies observed in establishment too numerous to count. Flies observed on ready to eat products on prep line and on ice cream cones.

  • Section 136: Personal employee beverages and cigarettes improperly stored on the dessert bar *fine accrued.

  • Section 439: Cleaning product in a spray bottle hanging on the east drive thru fountain machine.

23 Non-Critical Violations:

  • Section 297: Ice machine is observed to have black, brown and pinkish accumulations around the plastic guard *fine accrued.

  • Section 431: Walls throughout the establishment are observed to be soiled with dirt. grease and food debris. *fine accrued.

  • Section 431: All drive thru cup and lid holders are observed to be soiled with dirt and debris. *fine accrued.

  • Section 295(c): All reach in coolers and freezers are observed to have heavy accumulations of food debris and are soiled. *fine accrued.

  • Section 218: Multiple door gaskets are observed to be broken. torn. missing or in overall poor condition *fine accrued.

  • Section 431: Multiple door gaskets are observed to have heavy accumulations of pink slime on them along with black and grey fuzzy growths inside and outside the gaskets themselves. Gasket for walk in freezer has heavy ice accumulations as well *fine accrued.

  • Section 291: Sanitizer buckets tested at 0ppm. Sanitizer dispenser empty for unknown amount of time. No sanitizing is taking place. *fine accrued.

  • Section 218: Cooler under main prep line has been turned off and has still not been repaired or replaced of table is not working at this time either and time as a public health control is not being implemented correctly. *fine accrued.

  • Section 297: Shake machine by fryers observed to have black and green buildup around the white dispenser nozzle. *fine accrued.

  • Section 433: Mop is observed to be stored in a manner that doesn't allow air drying. *fine accrued.

  • Section 218: Walk in freezer condenser observed to have a large ice accumulation and build up is also occurring in a large area on the floor. Walk in cooler condenser is leaking on to food product stored in refrigeration. *fine accrued.

  • Section 295(c): Walk in cooler and freezer have heavy dust accumulations on the walls and light fixtures.

  • Section 295(c): Magnetic strip and entire wall area surrounding three compartment sink observed to have food accumulations and is heavily soiled.

  • Section 295(c): Equipment including stand for slicer, prep table, outsides of all reach in coolers and freezers are heavily soiled with grease and food debris. This includes wheels and legs of equipment as well as windowsills and cashier equipment.

  • Section 416: Dead flies and other insects observed in various areas of the establishment and must be removed.

  • Section 295(c): Floor drains are heavily soiled with grease and are completely clogged.

  • Section 218: Table next to bun toaster is in disrepair and unable to be properly cleaned. Must be repaired or replaced.

  • Section 295(c): Wire rack under dessert bar and toppings for desserts are found to have heavy food accumulations and items are stored improperly with cleaning equipment.

  • Section 426: numerous items collected throughout the establishment that are nonworking or nonessential to business operations.

  • Section 218: significant leak found under the ice machine. Leak is accumulating large amounts of water on the floor.

  • Section 431: Walking and driving surfaces including decorative surfaces and landscaping observed to be heavily soiled with grease.

  • Section 431: Floors. walls and ceiling are in need of a deep cleaning and regular maintenance.

  • Section 402: Tile wall coving is in disrepair and now broken completely. *Fine Accrued.

*Received numerous complaints on establishment concerning foreign objects in food, noncompliance with Governors mask mandate and glove use/food handling. Upon inspection. the above violations. including repeat violations were observed. The combination of insanitary conditions and the overwhelming presence of flies have caused closure.

*Establishment has been closed by the Knox County Health Department until violations have been corrected and verified by the department..


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